Student Life

8 Cheap Ways to Practice Self Care For Students

Self care doesn’t have to be expensive, but it is important. Looking after yourself and trying not to burn the candle at both ends will keep you sane whilst juggling everything life throws at you.

During university is the perfect time to get into the habit of regularly practicing self care. It will be second nature by the time you graduate. Below are 8 ways to practice self care that will cost you next to nothing. These are applicable to everyone but work really well for students.

Have a Pamper Night

Cost – £

Put your laptop away, forget about everything you still need to complete, put on some calming music or one of your favourite films and have a pamper night. Do a face mask, paint your nails and spend an evening just relaxing.

Getting away from a screen for an evening is a great way to relax and practice self care. This is perfect either by yourself or with friends.

Develop A Skincare Routine

Cost – £-££

Taking 5-10 minutes each morning and night to complete a skincare routine is a great day to start and end each day. I find having a regular skincare routine improves my skin greatly. Skincare doesn’t have to be expensive – the best brand I’ve used and use daily is The Ordinary, which is a vegan, natural and inexpensive skincare brand. 

Take A Nap

Cost – free

Taking a nap in the middle of the day is the ultimate luxury. Treat yourself to one either as a reward for completing your work for the day or simply because you need one. It is a completely free act of self care. 

Further, after taking a nap I often feel much more productive and end up getting more done than if I worked through the tiredness. 

Have A Film Night

Cost – free (snacks optional)

Put your phone down pop on your favourite film and just breathe. Either by yourself or with friends this is a great way to take a break from studying. It also works great as an incentive for finishing the work you need to do.

Go For A Walk

Cost – free

Either in the morning or evening, going for a walk is a great way to breathe. I love an evening sunset walk, listening to a podcast and simply taking in the fresh air after being cooped up inside all day. 

Read More: 5 Unique Dorm Room Essentials you will not want to forget!

Exercise Daily

Cost – free

Exercise is a great way to reset and feel refreshed, as well as a way to stay healthy and improve your fitness. Plus you don’t need to fork out on a monthly gym membership to exercise, youtube has thousands of free workout videos to follow. Doing yoga daily is my favourite way to get some exercise in each day, I love following Yoga with Adrienne videos.

Work From Bed

Cost – free

Working from bed is completely free but to me it feels luxurious. If you are able to actually get work done, then it’s a great way to practice self care. Move away from your desk chair and get comfy. 

Letting myself work from bed is my ultimate guilty pleasure. I tend to reserve this treat for those afternoons when I am lacking motivation to do anything. I make a big cup of tea, grab a fluffy blanket and settle in for an afternoon of working from bed.  

Read for Pleasure

Cost – £

As a history student, I am constantly reading for my degree and often forget about how much I enjoy reading for pleasure. Spending an evening reading rather than watching tv is a great way to switch your mind off, reduce blue light exposure and immerse yourself in a story. 

Buying your books secondhand (from ebay, charity shops or on wordery) makes reading a very cheap hobby to have. Alternatively try book swapping and then it’s free.  

So there we have it, 8 cheap ways to practice self care. Do you have any other ways you would recommend?   

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