Finance,  Make Money,  Money Diaries

£0-£10k Side Hustle Challenge: Month 6 Update

Month 6 of my 10k side hustle challenge was a weird one. It was the first month back working at camp so I wasn’t 100% sure how much time I would have to dedicate to side hustles. But I had a tonne of pending income from previous months that paid out in month 6. So my total paid is crazy compared to the hours I was able to dedicate to side hustling. It just shows how side hustles can snowball and your effort can paid off in the long term.

Right before I breakdown all incoming payments in June, let’s me explain exactly what my 10k side hustle challenge entails…

The Rules

This year I will have two main sources of income, my summer job and my winter job. And as this is a side hustle challenge I won’t be counting any earnings from these two sources towards my total. But everything else is up for grabs! Including any freelance income outside of these two jobs and my passive income streams like bank interest.

I went back and forth but have decided to count both cash income and voucher income towards the total. I only counted cash in my £5k hustle challenge as the goal was to match my gap year spending pot. But the goal for this challenge is to push myself and test the earning capacity of various side hustles. So I will be counting both cash and vouchers when I have received them.

The minute they hit my bank account/inbox they will be counted towards my total. Before then they exist in limbo and my daily hustle tracker. If you want to find out how much I actually side hustled in the month of June, check out this post.

Progress Reports

Since the start of this challenge, I’ve been sharing monthly updates which you can check out here…

January – £264.22

February – £750.22

March – £937.54

April – £1,769.47

50% Point Update

May – £2,071.05

July – £524.30

Ok, so now we’re clear on what the challenge is and the rules, let’s get into where the money came from in month 6…

Sharing Data = £2

Over a year ago I jumped on the Amazon Shopper Panel band waggon to take advantage of their receipt scanning feature. Well I’m still on the waitlist for that, but in the meantime I’ve been taking advantage of their data sharing offer. You get credited £2 per month for sharing your ad data with Amazon. This is a set it and forget it type of app which means my Amazon balance is growing without me realising. Love that for me and my kindle!

Watching Ads = £2.56

I use an app called WeAre8 to get paid to watch ads. You get pennies per ad watched and it takes 30 days from watching the ad to the money being able to withdraw. So the £2.56 that hit my account in June was from ads watched in May.

Cashback = £5.40

All the cashback I earned in June came directly from the Chase app. Chase offers you 1% cashback on most purchases plus fee-free international spending so it’s my go to when I’m travelling!

Surveys = £8.95

I cashed out my Branded Surveys balance and then redeemed a £5 PayPal voucher off Swagbucks in June. All of the points accumulated for these rewards came directly from daily polls!

Bank Interest = £17.98

Nothing better than getting paid to stash your money somewhere! I currently have a handful of easy access savings accounts earning around 4% in interest. I keep all my sinking funds and entire emergency fund in these accounts.

LISA Bonus = £46.50

I’m getting closer and closer to maxing out my LISA for this tax year and loving the 25% bonus it comes with!

Affiliates = £83.98

Affiliate links are one of the ways I make money from my instagram and blog. I only share products that I use and love so always happy when someone takes my recommendation!

Bank Switch = £200

Third bank switch of 2024 in the bag! That’s £535 from this side hustle alone with maybe one hour of total time investment. One of my favourite ways to get a quick cash injection.

Referrals = £400

Referrals are another way I make money from this blog and my instagram. I typically only share offers where both parties benefit financially so it’s a win win for all involved. Like the offer from Zing (a currency app from HSBC) where you can get £20 for simply signing up for an account and spending £5. Who doesn’t love a free £15 cash bonus?!

Zing have just increased this offer to £30 for new customers! That’s £25 in free money bby 💃🏼 Here’s my referral link if you want to take advantage!

Freelancing = £472.50

I consider freelancing as my main side hustle right now, alongside blogging. I do VA work for a couple different companies. In June, I got paid £472.50 directly from freelancing gigs.

Month 6 Total = £1239.87

Challenge Total = £7052.37/£10,000

Being paid over a thousand pounds from side hustles whilst not really side hustling is an amazing feeling! I can never get my head around just how much the little things really do add up. When you combine multiple income streams and ways to earn money the numbers start to snowball.

After month 6, my challenge is sitting at 70% complete – super happy with the progress I’m making. Feeling more confident that even with a busy summer I’ll be able to complete the challenge before the new year.

Now like I explained in the intro, I’m only counting income that has physically hit my bank account towards my challenge total. Which means I have a bunch of income either pending or in balances which I can’t cash out yet. If you want an idea of how much I actually made in June (not necessarily paid) then check out this side hustle update next.

Are you doing a money challenge in 2024? I’d love to hear all about it!

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