30 Things I Want To Do Before I Turn 30
I have always had an idea of the crazy things I want to achieve in my lifetime, but I’d never “officially” written them down or committed to achieving them in anyway. So, after being inspired by Beth’s from @budgetjonesdiary 30 before 30 list, I finally sat down and compiled one of my own.
For context – I turn 30 in just over 8 years (I’ll be 22 in June ’23) so I’ve kinda gone wild with this list. I know the likeliness that I achieve all these things is low but it’s not impossible so I’m aiming high!
In no particular order (simply how they came to mind) here are the 30 things I would love to do before I turn 30!
{I will update this post as and when I tick off these things and add proof 😉}
1. Step foot in 100 countries
Ok we’re kicking off with the one that is probably the most unrealistic, but it gives you an idea of the “in my wildest dreams” mindset I was in when I wrote this list 😂.
This one plays into my big life goal of stepping foot in every single country before I die and for some reason, I thought it was reasonable to aim to tick off over half before I turn 30 😅 But I mean you’ve gotta aim high right!!
To date I have stepped foot in 11 countries (and not left the airport/bus station in 2 more, so these don’t count) with plans to tick off 6 more in the next few months.
Jan 2025 update – my country tally is currently sitting at 22 with trips to 3 more booked in the next couple of months!
2. Do a skydive
A skydive is something I’ve always wanted to do, and I honestly have no idea why because I have a fear of heights. It just looks like so much fun!
3. Watch the ball drop-in Times Square on NYE
The ball drop just seems so iconic and I would love to experience it!
4. Spend a month living near a beach in Bali
Cliché I know but how cool would this be!!
5. Climb Machu Picchu
I feel like this is on most 30 before 30/bucket lists. Obviously, this is not currently possible but I’m holding out hope that they will reopen Machu Picchu to the public one day soon.
6. See the hot air balloons in Cappadocia
Unsure whether I would want to ride in one but I definitely want to see them!
7. Become fluent in Spanish
This is the one I am most determined to achieve!! Ironic that the two languages I was taught at school (for like 13 years) were French and German and yet I now know more Spanish after a few months of Duolingo 😅

8. See the pyramids
As a historian (*does one degree and thinks she’s a historian*) I feel like the pyramids are something I need to see 😂
9. Walk a part of the Great Wall of China
I mean it’s unrealistic to aim to walk the entire thing (have you seen how big that thing is) so I’ll settle for a small portion of it!
10. See the cherry blossoms in Japan
Another cliché but I’m here for it!
11. Live in London for a year
I have been dreaming (and talking) about moving to London since I finally convinced my parents to take me for my 13th birthday! There is just something about it that I’m in love with!!
12. Adopt a pet
This was initially “adopt a dog” but I changed it to “pet” as after all the housesitting I’ve done, I think I’m becoming a cat person 🙊
13. Learn how to ski
Once again, no idea why I want to do this as I know I’ll be scared shitless and probably refuse to get off the ski lift, but it just looks like so much fun. To be honest, it’s probably the après ski and cabins that have me sold 😂
14. Donate blood ✅
Every single time I’ve gone to donate blood I haven’t been eligible – mostly due to having recently got a tattoo or piercing. But I am determined to donate blood at least once (ideally multiple times) before I turn 30.
{ticked off March 2024!!}
15. Learn how to play the piano
I took a few lessons when I was in middle school, but I quit because I didn’t like the teacher. So I kinda already know the basics and after a bit of practice I can play a tune. But I’m still holding onto the dream of being able to walk up to any piano, look at some sheet music and just start playing effortlessly.
16. Go to a comedy club ✅
I would love to go to one of those places where you pay like a fiver and have no idea who you’re seeing till they come on stage!
{ticked off December 2023 – I managed to snag a free ticket to a local comedy club through my job and it was AMAZING!}
17. See a West End show ✅
It didn’t feel right that I saw a Broadway show before one in the West End, so I had to add it to the list. Little did I know that two days after writing this list I would get rush tickets (the morning of) to see SiX.

18. Spend a summer as a camp counsellor ✅
All things crossed, this one should be ticked off this year 🎉

19. Live in NYC for at least a year
I have always been obsessed with the idea of moving to NYC (probably because I was raised watching Friends) and would love to live there for an extended period of time. Unsure how exactly I would make this work (I’ll probably have to find a company to sponsor me) but I’m committed to finding a way!
20. Finish 10 classics
I have always been a massive bookworm but for some reason I just can’t seem to get into classics at all. I’m determined to make an effort to finish 10 before my 30th – which is a pretty low-pressure goal for me. So far, I have finished 2 (5 if you count the ones I had to read for school, which I don’t) so already 20% there 🙌🏻
Jan 2025 update – 6 finished so far and I’m determined to tick this one off this year!
21. Get a masters degree
I am undecided on the what, where or how but getting my masters is something I would love to do. I just don’t feel finished with academia yet.
Jan 2025 update – I’ve been accepted onto a master program starting this September! All things crossed, I should tick this off in summer 2027!
22. Be able to touch my toes again
I grew up doing dance and gymnastics, so I was always pretty flexible until I attempted to lift a barrel at my first pub job and injured my back. All that flexibility pretty much went away overnight. I am determined to get some of it back and after two months of consistent stretching I can almost touch my toes again 🎉
23. Try vanlife
Vanlife absolutely fascinates me and I always come back to wanting to do it. But before I invest thousands of pounds in a home on wheels, I want to hire a van to test it out. I’m 60% sure I probably won’t enjoy the realities of it 😂
24. Go scuba diving
I’ve been snorkelling countless times but never had the chance to go proper scuba diving with the oxygen tank and suit!
25. See the Northern Lights
I was kinda hoping I might get to see them on my flight back from Boston (via Reykjavik) but unfortunately no luck 😭
26. Fly first class
Just to experience how the other half live ya know!
27. Get another tattoo ✅
I’ve wanted to get another tattoo since I got my first one at the start of 2020, but I was thinking more in a couple of years time 😂 But after a few cocktails I got my second about a week ago.

Jan 2025 update – I got another ANOTHER matching tattoo in March 2024! That’s brings us to a total of 3 out of 3 🙈
28. Host Christmas in my own home
This is definitely one for later in my twenties but I would LOVE to host my family for Christmas in a home of my own.
29. Try boatlife
Like vanlife, this just seems so idyllic and such a cool way to live. I would love to hire a boat for a week or so just to try it out.
30. Eat at a Michelin starred restaurant ✅
Another one that I’m not sure where it came from but is something I would love to experience. Maybe for my birthday one year 🤔
Ticked off January 2025!

There you go, my 30 before 30 list! It was honestly so so hard to stop at 30 and in the end, I started an “ultimate life goals” list as well for all the other incredible things I want to achieve in my lifetime. Some of which will probably make it onto my 40 before 40 😉
Do you have a list of your own? I’d love to hear what’s on it!
