5 Weird (& Wonderful) Things I’ve Done For Money
Now I won’t go so far as to say I’d do anything for money but my limit is quiet high. One of my friends recently told me that when her mum was asking what I was up to now, she replied with “erm I’m not actually 100% sure, but if it makes money, Jess is doing it”. Pretty accurate.
I have jumped on some very random money making opportunities that have come my way over the past couple of years. And today I’m sharing my top five with you! Now, most of my side hustle experiences have been typical – the boring surveys, getting a second (& third) job, starting this blog. But a few things have come up over the years that still bring a smile to my face when I look back now because of how random they were. I made money and now have a funny story to tell.
Here are five weird (& wonderful) things I’ve done for money…
Sent a wee sample to Canada
Yep! I once sent a wee sample to Canada. And no it was not a onlyfans thing! I was a part of a medical study researching the effects of tobacco which was a collaboration between a Canadian University and one based in London. As part of the study, they had to test urine samples so I was required to send one over to the lab at the Canadian uni. Got paid £20 for my efforts.
They sent this special postage kit as it had to be on ice. The weirdest part was trying to explain it to the guy at the post office. I was picked for this study from a survey on Branded Surveys.
Ate vegan cheese
I got paid £150 to test out a box full of vegan cheeses. Best market research study I’ve landed to date. Best part was that I was vegan at the time so I actually liked the products. Landed this one through the market research platform Indiefield.
Took two blood tests
I got paid to take a blood test, twice! This was during my quest to land a spot on a medical research study paying thousands. I haven’t been picked for one of the big studies yet but I did get paid £80 to take two blood tests. These were both through FluCamp.
Posed for my uni’s recruitment booklets
This one was so random! I worked as a Student Ambassador during my third year of uni and when the uni wanted to update their recruitment booklets they offered the job to the Student Ambassadors. I’m pretty sure I got paid like £200 to attend two shoots; one for the maths department and one for the psychology department. They actually used one of the shots of me…

Tasted wine
Another completely random thing I stumbled into. Quiet recently I got paid £45 to help out at a charity wine tasting night (I was pouring the samples) and spent most of it joining in. So essentially I got paid to taste wine – not a bad Thursday night!
So there’s 5 weird and wonderful ways I’ve made money over the past couple of years! What’s yours? Share them below…