Finance,  Make Money,  Money Diaries

How I Made £587.69 from Side Hustles in September!

How are we 75% through 2024!? This year is absolutely flying by! But the end of the month means only one thing around here, it’s time to count up my totals and share my side hustle earnings report!

I spent all of September on my post-camp trip! But still blocked out some time to do some hustling – mostly from coffee shops in Antigua. So let me share how much I side hustled in the month of September.

Heads up! In my side hustle earnings reports I count every penny earned in the month of September, not necessarily money that has hit my account. Let’s take freelancing as an example: the total you see in this post is the hours I worked in September but I probably won’t see this money until October as I invoice my hours at the end of the month. If you want to see how much I was paid out from side hustles check out my £10k challenge updates!

Ok let’s break down how I made £587.69 from side hustles in September…

Sharing Data = £2

I got my usual £2 from Amazon Shopper Panel for sharing my ad data with the app. Today is a sad day because I’ve just found out that they are changing the app and getting rid of the standing £2 monthly reward. Instead, now you’ll have to log in and answer surveys to get rewarded. Bummed about this!! It was nice whilst it lasted I suppose!

Blogging = £12.79

Between ad revenue, a referral to a free share scheme and some affiliate sales, I made £12.79 in September from blogging.

Interest = £13.56

I made £13.56 in interest from the various easy access savings accounts I have. I’m earning around 4% on each of these accounts right now but foresee this rate decreasing in the near future.

Cashback = £14.09

I booked a super cheap flight from the US to Guatemala through and made sure to activate the cashback pop up from the Swagbucks plugin I have installed. I got 265SB (~£1.96) from this purchase which works out to around a 3% cashback rate. The rest of the cashback earned this month came from day-to-day spending on my Chase card. I get 1% back on most purchases and the pennies really do add up!

LISA Bonus = £108

The minute my camp paycheck cleared, I sent 10% straight to my LISA. Meaning that I got a bigger bonus this month!

Freelancing = £437.25

Being away for the entire month meant limited spare time to hustle but as always I prioritised freelancing. I worked a decent amount of hours in September, adding up to a total of £437.25. In the past year, freelance VA work has definitely become my main side hustle. Especially because I’ve just picked up two more gigs starting in October.

Total = £587.69

No where near my best month of the year but still a decent a total. Given the fact that I was travelling the entire month, I’m happy with this total. Every penny means I’m closer to hitting my big 10k side hustle goal!

Hope you found this side hustle earnings report somewhat interesting! This is the type of content I love to read so wanted to share my numbers.

Did you do any side hustling in September? I’d love to hear all about it!

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