Make Money

5 Easy Online Side Hustles Anyone Can Do!

Easy online side hustles can often seem like a scam. With “sign up and make thousands extra each month”, “make hundreds from your phone”, “get rich on this website” claims are popping up on ads all over the place.

And for the most part they are complete over-exaggerations and unrealistic. BUT you can make money from easy online side hustles in your spare time.

In fact, I personally have made around £5k to date since May 2020 when I first fell down the online side hustle rabbit hole. I’ll let you figure out why I started then!

But the key is to know which easy online side hustles are legit and which are a waste of time.

So in this post I’m going to share 5 easy online side hustles and the exact websites you should check out. I have used all of these sites and cashed out real money from them. And you can too!

All of them are free to sign up for and super easy to use. You just need a little time, internet connection and some patience.

Let’s get into it…

{Disclaimer: this post contains affiliate links which means I may make a small commission if you use the link. This comes at no extra cost to you!}


Online tasks is the name I’ve given to all those “Get paid to…” websites. These are all legit and work on the premise of a shared cashback agreement.

Essentially you get paid to complete a specific offer. Offers include things like signing up for a free trial, playing online bingo, checking your credit score, reaching a certain level on a game and so on and so forth.

This is the perfect easy online side hustle to get started with as there is no barrier to entry. You could get started today and have the money in your account before you know it.

It was actually the former version of this website that kicked off my online side hustle journey. On you work your way through 15 different levels. Completing at least one offer on each level. Once all 15 levels have been completed and confirmed (this could take up to 30 days) you can cash out your earnings.

You have to complete at least 15 tasks to cash out!

Sign up to using my link to get a £5 sign up bonus!

The site claims that the average user can make £150 from completing offers on the site. They claim the highest ever payout was £400 – so that’s something to aim for ay. I made just over £75 from this site but this wasn’t my first rodeo. Because I’ve been doing tasks like this for 4 years so I wasn’t eligible for the majority of the offers as I’ve already done them.

Back in 2020, when I used their former site for the first time, I made over £200 in one afternoon working my way through the offers. This was mind blowing to someone who had only ever worked in hospitality. The idea that I could make more sitting in my pjs faffing around on my laptop was insane to me.

Fast forward 4 years and now I’m on track to make £10,000 this year from online side hustles. Crazy times!


OhMyDosh is owned and run by the same people as The one key difference between the two sites is that OhMyDosh doesn’t have levels so you can dip in and out of offers. I would suggest completing first and then seeing if there are any other offers you can do on OhMyDosh.

This site is being constantly updated so even though I’ve completed a bunch of these offers already I make sure to regularly check the site as new offers pop up all the time. The minimum cash out on this site is £10 which is super achievable. Especially if you stick to the high paying offers.

My favourite offers to complete on this one are the bingo offers! Check out this post next to read all about getting paid to play bingo.

Tonnes of good offers on OhMyDosh!

Join OhMyDosh through this link to get a £2 head start!


Swagbucks is a very hit or miss site for people. They are a jack of all trades online side hustle website offering surveys, game offers, cashback, get paid to. You name it, they probably have it.

This can be super overwhelming to first timers and can make the site a pain. BUT if you know what to focus on, it’s a very easy online side hustle site to get started on.

When I first started using Swagbucks I focused on the surveys which are super low paying and frustrating. However, the minute I switched over to using the site for the games and cashback offers, I started loving it.

To date, I have cashed out around £300 from Swagbucks.

There are a bunch of different offers available on Swagbucks!


Market Research is one of the highest paying online side hustles I’ve found. Studies typically pay anywhere from £50 to £100 per hour. It’s crazy! Plus you could bag some decent freebies if you apply for product testing studies. I once got paid £150 to test out vegan cheese and I kid you not they sent me 10 blocks of cheese.

To date I have participated in 16 market research studies since September 2022 and been paid a total of £950 for my time.

Here are a couple of sites I use to land market research studies…

Testing Time
People for Research
Research Opinions


The ultimate marmite side hustle but one that is super close to my heart as I had a tonne of success from surveys early on in my side hustle adventure. However, I do agree that some survey sites out there are a complete waste of time. It really does make a difference which site you join and focus your time and energy on.

Yes, there are higher paying side hustles out there to focus on. But if you are at a loss of where to start, surveys are a great one to dip your toes in with. They are low effort and can easily be done in front of the tv in your pjs.


The ultimate survey site and one with a waitlist. I would recommend you join the waitlist anyway because the site is worth it. Plus if you have something they are looking for they might let you join instantly anyway. So it’s worth a punt!

Prolific recruit for academic studies meaning the things you participate in are usually super interesting. The site only offers you studies that it knows you are qualified for so it’s rare to get screened out. Which is my biggest pet peeve with other survey sites.

To date, I have made £927 from surveys on Prolific alone and I have a goal to hit £1000 by the end of 2024.

£927 earned from Prolific alone!


I’m always hesitant to suggest that cashback in it’s normal form is a side hustle. As by definition you have to spend money to get anything back. BUT if you are just entering the side hustle rabbit hole, cashback is a great place to start! Especially if you do typically spend a lot of money.

I’m not a big spender so I don’t usually make a lot of money from cashback but every penny counts and if I can get anything back off a purchase I was already planning on making that’s amazing!

Plus most cashback sites have a welcome bonus which is just free money and who doesn’t love a bit of free money!

Here are a few good sites to check out (and most of them have welcome bonuses 😉)…


TopCashback is my favourite and goto cashback site! Mostly because my dad has been their biggest fan since the beginning. Fun fact: TopCashback started off in the town I grew up in!

I make sure to check the site before I buy anything online on the off chance I can get some cashback! They always have decent offers on for insurance comparison sites so I make sure to go through them when I buy travel insurance.

I don’t shop online much but by making sure to go through this site, I’ve got £230 back from the purchases I did make!


I joined Rakuten a couple of months back to take advantage of their welcome bonus when I was buying some new headphones online! They work in a very similar way to TopCashback so one to check when making any online purchases.

Get a £15 sign up bonus when you use this link and spend £30 in your first 30 days.


Quidco is another similar site, where you have to go through the site to the merchant to get the cashback. They also have a sign up bonus which I took advantage of when making a bigger online purchase earlier this year.

Sign up for Quidco using this link to get a £15 bonus when you hit £5 in cashback!


This is exactly what it says on the tin, get paid to test websites. A super easy online side hustle which anyone with solid internet connection, microphone (can be built in) and an opinion can do.

Companies will literally pay you to have a nosey around their website and report back any issues/improvements you can see.

I haven’t explore this easy online side hustle as much as I want to but I have completed a couple of tests.


This is the site that I used when I was trying out this side hustle. I got paid $10/£8.21 (conversion rate correct at the time) for a 20 minute website test. Not a bad hourly rate!

So there you go, 5 easy online side hustles you can get started with (and make money from) right now!

Have you tried any of these before? How did you get on?

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