August 2022 Money Review
August has been a busy month for me! I left both of my jobs, moved out of my uni accommodation and moved back in with my parents – temporarily! Just until I leave for my year-long trip housesitting around the world. Let’s get into my August money review!
More on that in another post, for now let’s get into August’s numbers.
What is a money review?
It is where I share reflections on my finances from the previous month and detail every penny in and out. I find doing this at least monthly is a good way to stay connected to your finances. Plus, I love reading them back in a couple of months!
Why do I share this?
I know it might seem weird to share this on the internet, but I truly believe in creating the type of content that I love, and I am obsessed with seeing what people spend and earn. I also believe that the best way to break the money taboo is to talk openly about it, so here we are! Hopefully you enjoy this type of content too!!
I graduated from university in July but was still living in my university accommodation and working my two student jobs in August. I paid my last rent instalment (bills included) in April, hence why it is not factoring into this month’s spending.
First up, exactly how much I spent in August!

Groceries ~ £11.51
Another very low grocery spend this month! This was down to moving house (so I had to eat up all remaining food) and being provided free food at work for a week of the month. Plus, I spent the final week of the month at my parents’ house and just ate their food.
Eating Out ~ £56.59
As I was making a conscious effort to eat up all the food in my house before the move, my eating out total is quite low. This includes £16 spent on McDonalds for the peeps at work – it was an intense shift and the kitchen had closed before we had chance to eat.
My eating out win this month was the £2.98 I spent on two pizzas to celebrate the last night at my uni house. I had a £20 Deliveroo voucher from a survey I did a while ago which I’d been saving. It wasn’t quite enough to cover the entire bill with delivery and fees, so I had to cover the rest. But £2.98 for a takeaway for two is an absolute win!
Household ~ £7.71
This includes some cleaning bits, toilet roll and iCloud storage. The most boring purchases of the month.
Transportation ~ £27.04
I got an absolute steal of a train ticket for my final journey back from uni. Usually this costs anywhere from £15-£30 – that is with a railcard! But for some reason I managed to bag a ticket for £8.60!!
Entertainment ~ £36.39
As usual, two of my monthly subscriptions are included in this category – Spotify (£16.99) and book club fees (£1.20). Also included in this category this month was a round of drinks with some friends back home (£13.74 – thank you spoons!) and drinks with my mum after I returned my keys (£4.50 – made the most of my staff discount whilst I still had it!!).
Personal ~ £33.31
Replacing my contact lenses (£29.96) was task I’d been meaning to do for ages but just never did. I finally got round to ordering more this month. In my mind it had only been like five months since I last ordered them – I order three months at a time, so this was long overdue. Turns out it had been over a year 😳 I mean I know I’m frugal but come on that’s just gross!
The other £3.35 was spent posting something back to my sister.
TOTAL ~ £172.55
I wanted August to be a low spend month because I won’t be earning a stable income for the next year, so I needed to make the most of the last of my income. Mission achieved.
Now it’s all good sharing how much I spent but it only becomes valuable when it is put into context so next up income.
I worked full time for the majority of the month before both of my jobs came to an end. August was the last month I will be working for the next year or so, so I tried to get as many shifts in as possible.

Job #1 ~ £1400.77
Last month working job #1 and I am so not going to miss hospitality. But I will miss the people and the weekly pay check 😅.
Job #2 ~ £1240.26
Major pay out for job #2 this month as I was paid for the chaperone night shifts I worked in July. This made a great bonus to my gap year fund which I finally fully funded days before leaving.
Bank Interest ~ £7.01
About halfway through last month I transferred my gap year fund over to EverUp and I’ve really started getting into it. I play the daily games, weekly raffle and Lotto draw. I am classing the winnings from these as interest earnt. I made £6.96 on EverUp in August – that’s a simple return of 0.1% or an estimated yearly return of 1.67%. Not bad at all!
P2P Interest ~ £8.33
Easy passive income stream for lending out money that I didn’t need access to.
Premium Bond Win ~ £25
Woohoo, finally!!! I have held Premium Bonds for over eighteen months, and this is my first win. That’s a simple return of 0.8% which isn’t bad compared to interest rates right now.
TOTAL = £2681.37
Nice amount earnt this month, especially considering it will be the last month earning an income for at least the next year. As always every penny went straight into savings as I live off sinking funds made when my student loan dropped in April.
Next up, a net worth update…
Start of the Month = £31,394.41
End of the Month = £34,171.53
Woohoo! We’re making progress again!! But this is short lived glee as I know it will only decrease over the next year as I will be travelling full-time.
Enjoyed this money review? Why not check out my past ones…