Student Life

5 Unique Uni Room Essentials

Title Image - 5 Unique Dorm Room Essentials

Packing for uni is a very daunting task, especially as a fresher. Having moved to uni twice myself I have learnt the hard way what is and isn’t necessary to bring. Below are five things you might not think to bring but are essentials and will make your room that much better!

A Desk Lamp

It is crazy how dark some dorm rooms are. Take mine for example, my desk is behind the wardrobe and has no independent lighting. Therefore, it gets ridiculously dark very early in the day. This makes it almost impossible to carry on working after 3 ish. 

Had I brought a desk lamp with me it would have been much simpler than having to buy one and take it home on the bus 😉 Make your life easier and bring one with you – you will not regret it!   

A Fluffy Blanket

As well as being dark, uni halls are often cold. A fluffy blanket is a lifesaver and my absolute favourite thing in my entire room. Having one is a very cheap way of improving your room and making you more comfortable.

It is also a great thing to have for movie nights, especially when most student halls only have kitchen tables in their communal spaces. All you need is a blanket cocoon to make a kitchen table chair actually comfortable. 

Photos from Home

Homesickness is a real thing! I find the best cure is looking at pictures of friends and family. Especially favourites which provoke memories and always make me feel better. I’d bet it will work for pretty much everyone as well.

Most dorm rooms come with a notice board, which is perfect for a photo collage. Move to university armed with all your favourite photos and some cute pins – I have these ones from paperchase and they are perfect! Spend some of your downtime in freshers week arranging all your photos and you’ll always have a bit of home with you.

Further, your new uni friends will love looking at your photos to put faces to names from all the stories you will have shared. It also makes a great icebreaker to show a funny photo and then share the memory surrounding it. 

Trying to decide whether you should take your car to uni? Have a read of this!

An Extension Cable 

The lack of plugs or decent plug placement is a real annoyance with dorm rooms. An extension cable is often something forgotten about when deciding what you need to take to university. But I promise you it will not go to waste! 

Fairy Lights

Having these will really transform your room. It will go from feeling like a dingy prison cell to a homely space that you will enjoy living in. They look great around a notice board, around a window, or simply hanging down the walls. Come armed with some white tac and you’ll be set to make your room homely and perfect. 


Bonus one but a great one! I find plants transform a room by not only adding a little greenery but also a great way to keep your room oxygenated. It also gives you something to take care of, which makes me productive and purposeful. Hint: give your plants a name and you’ll take care of them like it’s your baby 😉 

Whilst this post makes dorm rooms out to be terrible, they really are not that bad. But having these five essentials will make your room that much better – actually feel like a home not just four white walls. 

Can you think of any other dorm room essentials?

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