How I Made £326.41 From Side Hustles In July!
Well, July was almost a write off month for side hustles. My entire month was spent working at a summer camp in West Virginia. Camp is super full on so I barely had time to do any side hustling. With this in mind, earning a total of £326.41 is actually kinda decent all things considered.
Heads up! In my side hustle earnings reports I count every penny earned in the month of May not necessarily money that has hit my account. Let’s take freelancing as an example: the total you see in this post is the hours I worked in July but I probably won’t see this money until August as I invoice my hours at the end of the month. If you want to see how much I was paid out from side hustles check out my £10k challenge updates!
{Disclaimer – This post may include affiliate or referral links. Meaning I may earn a small commission if you click through the link. This comes at no extra cost to you!}
Right, let’s break down how I made £326.41 from side hustles in July…
Surveys = £0.42
This 42p all came the Swagbucks pop up codes that net you like 2-3SB each time. I don’t think I answered a single survey or daily poll in July 😅
Sharing Data = £2
Received my normal £2 Amazon credit from their ad sharing app. This app is great as it’s completely set it and forget it.
Bank Interest = £16.54
Interest was a little lower this month compared to past months as I had two pretty big credit card bills that needed paying off from all the fees associated with doing camp. Still super exciting that this was income I didn’t exchange effort or time for. Gotta love getting passive income!
LISA Bonus = £23.50
My LISA is soooo close to being 75% funded. Still got a bit to go but I am determined to max this thing out before the end of the calendar year.
Cashback = £47.75
I made £1.06 from spending on my Chase card and then the other £46.69 was made through TopCashback. Whenever I’m buying insurance I make sure to go through TopCashback as you can get a decent amount back.
The Frugal Explorer = £52.45
Considering I spent no time AT ALL on this side hustle in July I’m so surprised this isn’t zero. I made money from display ads, referrals and affiliates in July.
Freelancing = £183.75
Like last month, the one side hustle I tried to make time for was freelancing. I did less work than usual but quite happy with the amount I was able to do.
July Total = £326.41
In terms of a time ROI, I’m very happy with this total. I was half expecting to earn nothing from side hustles whilst at camp so very happy that I was still able to make any progress on my big 10k goal. I’m getting so close to completing the challenge that every penny counts.
How did your side hustles go in July? I’d love to hear all about it!