How Much I Spend – Student Spending Diaries #1
The one thing I wanted to know before going to university, was how much I would need for spending each week. This number was hard to find online, so I wanted to create something that I would have gained value from. From this thought, this series was born; Student Spending Diaries.
Each entry will go through a week’s worth of spending, starting with this week – where I threw a mini party, got an allergic reaction and watched hours of Grey’s Anatomy.

Monday was a pretty routine uni day, meaning I spent the majority of the day doing research reading for my dissertation. I finally left the flat at 4pm to go to Aldi and Tesco to pick up a few bits for a surprise party [read: me and my housemates singing karaoke in our kitchen ;)] we were throwing for a housemate that was leaving the next day.
We went to Tesco on a mission to find a certain cider that our housemate loves but they were out of stock. Ended up picking up my favourite vegan cheese because they don’t sell it in Aldi. £2.25
Next we went to Aldi to get vegan pizzas, crisps, hummus, garlic bread and wine – everything a leaving party needs 🙂 My share was £8.73
Total = £10.98
Wake up with a terrible hangover – why did we get the gin out?!?
I log onto Teams for a meeting with my dissertation supervisor, where he tells me about a book that I have to read. I order the book as soon as we hang up so I don’t forget. £8.56
Straight back into bed to wallow in my hungover state, watching Grey’s Anatomy and trying not to throw up. I swear I’m not drinking again!
At 3pm I meet up friend who lives around the corner to go on a walk. We haven’t seen each other in over 3 months, so we have a lot to catch up on.
On the way back to the flat, I cave and nip into Aldi to buy a grab bag of salt and vinegar sticks – the ultimate hangover cure. £0.69
Total = £9.25
RELATED READING: How To Save Money and Still Have Fun
I spend the entire day working in my room, which is great for both my dissertation progress and my bank balance – no spend day.
Total = £0
Life as a student during Covid can often feel like groundhog day. I spend the majority of the day doing the same as yesterday; reading, going through primary sources and starting my revision notes.
A few of my housemates are heading to Aldi to do their weekly shop, I tag along but only pick up some body wash because I used my current one up this morning. £1.59
Total = £1.59
Wake up and jump in the shower for my weekly long shower – we’re talking hair wash, in shower facial and full body exfoliation. As soon as I get out of the shower I notice hives all over my body. Ring my mum in panic – turns out it’s just a minor reaction to the heat of the water. I run over to Aldi to get some antihistamines to take away the itching. I cave and also pick up an avocado to have a ‘fancy’ brunch. £1.64
Spend the rest of the day working away on my dissertation.
Total = £1.64
I spend most of Saturday buried in Becoming by Michelle Obama. This book is amazing, I am loving getting an insight into her life and upbringing, as well as what it’s like living in the White House.
I don’t end up leaving the flat all day so nothing spent.
Total = £0
Similar to Saturday, I spend all of Sunday in the flat reading and watching Grey’s Anatomy. Another no spend day.
Total = £0
Weekly Summary

Food & Drinks = £11.67
Personal = £3.23
Education = £8.56
Total Spent = £23.46
My spending this week is pretty normal for a week in a national lockdown where there’s nowhere to go. It’s also clear that I go to Aldi a lot but I live across the road from an Aldi so we use it like our corner shop 😉
I do a big food shop at the start of every term (i.e. every 3 months) and seeing as that was only last week, I didn’t need to do a food shop this week. Doing it this way keeps my food budget low as I’m not tempted by all the yummy foods on a weekly basis.
