• Finance

    5 Reasons Why Credit Cards Are My Favourite Payment Method

    I am 100% team credit card for a number of different reasons. And today I’m going to share five reasons behind why I try and pay with a credit cards for everything possible. Warning: credit cards are an amazing financial tool if used RESPONSIBLY!! Don’t charge things to a credit card that you can’t afford to pay off IN FULL!! This article is talking about how I use credit cards as a financial tool. I have never carried over a balance, missed a payment or paid a penny of interest in the four years that I’ve been taking advantage of credit cards! Ok with that important warning out of the…

  • Finance,  Personal Finance 101

    5 Golden Rules Of Credit Cards

    Credit cards are an incredibly valuable financial tool if used correctly and strategically. Not only will they do wonders for your credit score, but many come with additional perks, like cashback and free travel. But underneath the fancy perks they are all essentially the same and there is a right and a wrong way to use them. These five golden rules will ensure you do the most positive damage to your credit score! #1 Pay the full balance off every single month Without fail. No excuses.  You must pay your full balance off every single month. Using your credit card like a debit card is golden rule number one! You…