• Finance

    How To Spring Clean Your Finances

    The days are getting longer, the nights lighter, the flowers are making an appearance – spring is in the air. It’s the perfect time to spring clean your finances! Whether you’re feeling a little overwhelmed by your finances right now or you’ve got it down to a fine art, you’ll find benefits from investing the time to go over your finances. Take an hour and do these six things to spring clean your finances and instantly feel more financially confident… Review your budget This is the perfect time to review your current budget and sure it is still working well for you. Budgets shouldn’t be set in stone. They should…

  • Finance

    Income Streams – Here’s What I Found Out From Having 20 Of Them

    I remember back in 2020 when I first discovered the personal finance community and this crazy world of online side hustles hearing about how the average millionaire has 7 income streams and thinking “wow! I want that”. Then I started testing out online (and the odd offline one) side hustles and somehow ended racking up 20 different income streams and I’m far from being a millionaire. And I have learnt a fair few things alone the way. Want to see a full breakdown of all 20 sources and exactly how much they brought in in 2023 – read this article. For now, let’s get into the what I’ve learnt from…