How to Save Money on Groceries
The current price of groceries is a big stress for a lot of people at the moment. Due to the cost of living crisis, prices just keep increasing and it’s hard to keep up. But with some planning and a little bit a savviness it is still possible to keep your food budget low. Enter today’s blog post – 8 easy things you can do today to save money on groceries. Shop your cupboards first Shopping your cupboards first will both save you money and reduce waste. Start by taking an inventory of what you have in. Check your fridge, freezer, and cupboards, and make a list. From this you…
How To Save With A Variable Income
Mainstream budgeting techniques and savings suggestions often ignore the fact that a lot of people have a variable income. They don’t get paid the same amount every single payday and often the paydays don’t follow a regular pattern. Therefore, it can be very hard to get into a saving rhythm. For example, a lot of finance experts suggest automation as the best technique for saving more. But this can be very tricky to implement when the amount you get paid changes each and every time. Plus it may not even be on the same date, so knowing when to set up the automatic payment for is hard. I have had…
How to Save Money When Eating Out
Eating out is one of those things that people assume you can’t do if you’re on a budget. This is not true at all! Being on a budget doesn’t mean you can never eat out again. But it might mean that you need to become a little more creative and intentional. Budgeting often gets a bad rap as being restrictive and gloomy. At its bare bones, budgeting is simply making a plan for your money. You are taking back control over your money. If done correctly, your budget should ensure there is always money available for those things that add value to your life. If one of those things is…
June 2022 Money Review
June has simultaneously felt like both the longest and the shortest month ever. I cannot get my head around the fact that we are already half way through 2022, how is that even possible!! However, it is one of my favourite months of the year as it’s my birthday, the days are longer and brighter and the sun occasionally makes an appearance. But without further ado, lets get into it! What is a money review? It is where I share reflections on my finances from the previous month, and detail every penny in and out. I find doing this at least monthly is a good way to stay connected to your…
Personal Finance 101: Where To Begin
When I first started on my financial freedom journey, I had no idea where to begin and what to do first. I did lots of research but the majority of it didn’t suit my situation. As a full time student, my income and savings goals weren’t the norm. Knowing what to save for and where to keep this money is often the hardest part of any financial journey. In this post, I will break down step by step the basics for any financial journey. None of this is financial advise. It is simply tips from my own experience and research. #1 Emergency Fund The most common first step in most…
How To Save Money and Still Have Fun
You don’t need to sacrifice everything to save money! But you do need to get real with your spending and reevaluate where your money is going each month. First things first you need to realise that having fun and amount of money spent are not related. You could spend hundreds on a day out and absolutely hate every minute of it. Or you could spend an afternoon on a hike (free!) and love every minute of it. In this post I will go through 5 tips to help you save money and still have fun at the same time. Embrace Free Activites Having fun doesn’t have to cost a fortune!…
Money challenges are a great way to save money without even thinking about it. Most of these challenges include saving such a small amount at a time that you won’t realise it’s gone. Then at the end of the year it will come as a shock to see how each tiny amount has added up. You will have quite a nice sized amount. These are five of the easiest money challenges for you to give a go. THE PENNY CHALLENGE This is my favourite money challenge! Such a simple but effective way to save extra money – even on a low income. The concept of the penny challenge is to…