Student Life

University Packing Guide – What you actually need!

University Packing Guide

Deciding what to take to university is often the hardest part of the move. This post, the ultimate university packing guide will be your lifeline! As someone who has lived in halls for the past two years, I know first hand exactly what you need and what you can leave at home.

This list is broken down into different categories to make it easier to follow and pack.

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-> passport/driving license – you may need this for student registration, and you will definitely need this to buy alcohol 🙂

-> recent passport style photo – you may need one of these for your student ID – try and have both an electronic and physical copy for ease

-> student finance documents 

-> acceptance letter 

-> laptop – an essential for uni – especially when it is mostly being taught online – some unis provide these for low income students, worth checking out!

-> chargers – for all your electrical items! You don’t want to end up with a dead phone and no charger on your first night

-> money – this one goes without saying but don’t forget to pack your wallet

-> phone – again seems obvious but who knows what you’ll forget in the stress of moving


-> 2 of each cutlery – knife, spoon, fork, teaspoon – I took four of each and it was far too much, all it did was encourage me to not wash up 😂

-> 2x bowls

-> 2x plates 

-> chopping board 

-> sharp knife 

-> baking tray 

-> oven dish – there is a limit to the things you can cook on a baking tray – I didn’t have one of these in my first year and it was at the top of my list to buy for second year!

-> saucepan

-> frying pan

-> measuring jug

-> mixing bowl – sounds strange but I was the only one who brought one and people were constantly borrowing it!

-> wooden spoon – you can literally cook just about everything with one of these bad boys

-> sieve – gotta have something to drain your pasta with aka the student staple 😉

-> mug – one is probably more than sufficient unless you’re a mug lover like me who took 6 – whoops!

-> glass/es – I actually forgot to bring one so my mugs came in handy and I ended up drinking every drink out of one – kinda became a quirk I was known for – worked out as a good icebreaker on the first night so a win in my book!

-> bottle opener – as someone who doesn’t drink beer this was still one of the most used items I brought with me because of my housemates constantly borrowing it

-> tin opener – essential for all those cheap tins of beans

-> oven gloves

-> tea towels – you only need two – one to use and one in the wash

-> kitchen scissors

Optional kitchen extras:

-> blender – needing one of these or not completely depends on your eating habits, I never took one but have had to borrow a housemates on numerous occasions

RELATED READING: How to Make Money as a Student


-> duvet – I brought a double duvet although I knew I was only going to have a single bed because I like to have extra bedding to wrap up in

-> 2x duvet set – sheet, mattress protector, quilt cover, pillow cases – bring two so you can have one on and one in the wash

-> pillows – both for sleeping and decoration depending on your preferences

-> hangers – this is the number one thing students forget to take! Me included

-> clothes air dryer – the dryers in the laundry room were terrible and quite expensive so I was really glad I got one of these!

Optional bedroom extras:

-> mirror – my room had one in the wardrobe but it was so off the floor and as I’m short, I couldn’t see my face in it if I sat in front of it – I ended up bringing a spare mirror from home back with me after Christmas

-> photos – most uni rooms come with a pin board, perfect for photos from home! These were an absolute lifesaver in the first few weeks when I was trying to fight off feeling homesick

-> fairy lights – these will make your room feel really cozy and homely!

-> desk lamp – having extra light is very handy in a dorm room

-> trinkets – by this I mean all those little decoration bits that make your room yours – this is obviously not an essential but may help you settle in faster

-> speaker – really nice to have when you are getting ready


This category is completely dependent on which type of accommodation you are moving into. Regardless of the type you should bring these essentials…

-> toothbrush holder – sometimes you just don’t want to put your toothbrush directly on the sink!

-> caddy – this is great to hold all your shower bits in – I simply got a little basket that I could move to and from the bathroom

Got an ensuite? Also bring…

-> bathmat

-> toilet brush

-> cleaning products

If your accommodation has shared facilities…

My biggest recommendation for this type of bathroom situation is to bring the bathroom essentials and then go and get the other stuff after you’ve met the people you’ll be sharing with.


-> clothes – the amount of clothes and the types are completely personal but you will definitely need clothes 🙂

-> towels – both hand towels and body towels – preferable 2 of each so you can use one and have one in the wash

-> toiletries – same as clothes this personal so pack what you use and want to take

-> makeup and skincare – same as above, take what you need and actually use 

-> fancy dress costume – it never hurts to have a ready to go costume on hand – especially for freshers week

-> books/kindle – for both entertainment and educational purposes – if you have required textbooks don’t forget these!

Optional random extras:

-> contact lenses/glasses – if you wear either of these don’t forget the other! Also if you wear reusable lenses remember your case and solution

That’s it…the ultimate university packing guide to what you actually need to pack to take to university!

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READ NEXT: Ultimate Guide to Student Finance

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