Money Diaries

9 Big Goals I Want To Achieve In 2024

Setting yearly goals has been something I’ve done consistently for the past 4 years and 2024 is no different! I’ve set around 30 goals that I want to achieve over the next year but they can be narrowed down to these 9 main goals…


I set the same goal last year and ended the year on 159 books finished. I did consider upping my reading target for 2024. However I foresee this year being a little bit busier than last year so I’m sticking strong at 100 books. That’s an average of 8 books a month which sounds incredibly doable.


I have this crazy life goal to step foot in every single country in the world. I’d also set two milestone goals which are hit 50 countries by 25 and 100 by 30 so I need to get a move on. Currently I’m on 17 countries visited. So an extra 10 would put me at just over half way to 50 by age 23 1/2. Good progress I think.


I was very shocked when I did the maths and realised I’d made almost £17k in 2023 especially considering I spent most of the year housesitting full time and calling myself “professionally unemployed”. So if I can make that much without much intention in 2023, I reckon I can make £25k in 2024 if I put the effort in. £25k is a number I half picked out of thin air and half reached by plotting out my projected and estimated income for the year.


I’m carrying this goal over from 2023, as I need to make sure Granny Jess is set up and has money ready to spend her days on a beach with unlimited cocktails. I still have around £2k to go to maxing out my 23/24 LISA allowance. My plan is to use the excess in my tax fund to max the account out just before the end of the tax year. This is because I know I have saved way more than I need in my tax fund and I’ll be able to give myself a bonus. Plus I’ll be sending 10% of every payment straight to the account throughout the rest of the year.


Here it is, my money challenge for 2024 – I want to make £10k from side hustles! I loved my £5k challenge last year and want to challenge myself even further by doubling the goal. I’ve plotted out a list of my side hustles and how much I’m projecting I can earn this year from them but these are the three I want to put the majority of my focus into.


7 1/2 years left to finish my 30 before 30 list! I ticked 4 things off my list in 2023 and I would love to tick 6 more off this year. I have a rough plan of the ones I think will be the best ones to tackle this year, namely donating blood and finishing 10 classics.


I used to be sooo active as a child but by last year I had lost nearly all my active hobbies! It wasn’t until I spent a summer at camp doing tonnes of activities each day that I realised I had let this side of my life completely slip. I forgot how much I love to dance and swim – so I want to spend 2024 falling back in love with exercise.


£3k is my ideal emergency fund amount but I haven’t had this amount since just after I graduated from uni! 2024 is the year I want to get back to this point and hopefully maintain it.


Currently going strong on day 428!! I love how it gamifies learning and the little and often nature of this app works really well for my brain. Plus I’ll be that one step closer to being bilingual.

So that’s it, the 9 big goals I want to achieve in 2024. Writing these down has made me even more excited and motivated to achieving them!

Have you set any goals for 2024? I’d love to hear all about them in the comments!

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