£5k Budget Update – December 2022
December, month four of my gap year and the first month I’ve spent fully abroad and zero nights crashing at my parents house 😂. As I’m following where the housesits take me to save on accommodation costs, I spent all of December in the Pacific North West. I’m here until mid-January then I’ll be flying over the east coast for the remaining 3 weeks of my time in the US.
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New here? Let me give you a little context...
I graduated from uni this past summer and have chosen to take a gap year before deciding what to do next, career wise. My plan is to spend the year travelling to various places. I have set myself a strict £5k budget which needs to cover all costs and last the entire year! Seem a little tight? Check out this blog post on how I intend to stay in budget!
Before we get into exactly how much I spent and on what, let me first tell you where I was in December.
Portland, OR (1st-2nd) – stayed in a hostel
Steilacoom, WA (2nd-11th) – housesit
Portland, OR (11th-16th) – housesit
Seattle, WA (16th-31st) – housesit
Not much movement in December which has been nice as I’ve been able to get settled in each place. Plus after my second visit there, I can safely say that Portland has grown on me and I wouldn’t hate it if I had to visit again 😅
I find all my housesits using the site Trusted Housesitters which is such a good platform. I would highly recommend it to all the pet lovers out there! Fancy giving it a go yourself? Sign up using my link to get 20% off 🙂
Ok now let’s get into what I spent this month…
DAILY SPENDS = £169.48
Not bad! Not bad at all!! Coming in £140.52 under my £10 per day budget. Which is a good thing because I’ve completely spent my transport and accommodation pots so will be needing this surplus to cover the difference. Going forward my £10 per day budget will now need to cover everything!
Right as always let’s break it down….
Groceries = £54.05
This includes my festive food shop for my solo crimbo so this came in much lower than I was expecting.
Eating Out = £38.89
I ate out a few times at the start of the month because I was staying in a hostel. From then on, I was housesitting so had access to a full kitchen.
Snacks = £26.65
Felt like this needed it’s own category away from eating out because it feels wrong to club them together.
Cafes = £25.43
I got into a routine whilst in Portland of going to a new cafe each day to hustle for a few hours, which I absolutely loved!
Transport = £9.14
Low cost here as I’ve been able to walk to most places!
Entertainment = £8.25
I bought a ticket to see a Christmas play just before the big day but unfortunately due to the bomb cyclone it was cancelled. Now I have a $10 TodayTix voucher to spend on something fun in the new year 🤩
Personal = £7.07
After being in the country for a month, I finally had to buy shampoo and conditioner. Headed straight to the dollar tree to get a bargain as I’m not picky when it comes to this stuff. This also includes some other products I needed to get.
Finally sat down one night and figured out the rest of my US itinerary. I decided to stop holding out for a miracle housesit that would perfect align with my dates and went ahead and booked two city stops that are on my dream visit list, DC and Philly. I booked and paid for the hostels at both stops that night. This total is for three nights.
This was all spent on filling the gap in my itinerary. It includes tickets for a flight, a bus and a train, which are all overnighters saving me on accommodation. Budget win!
MISC. = £75
Another camp related cost. This time I had to pay for a police check. Thankfully, I will recoup all these costs and a little more.
BUDGET LEFT = £2203.65
Ok so I’m a third of the way into my gap year and have spent 56% of the budget. Starting to think I was a little too optimistic but I love a challenge! And it’s not over till I’ve spent that last penny or the year is over, whichever comes first 🤩
Enjoyed reading this breakdown? Why not check out the previous three instalments…