8 Ways To Stretch Your Travel Budget Further
Travel can be super expensive and this often makes it feel completely unattainable to most people. Well I’m here to hoping prove you wrong! Just last year, I spent 8 months travelling through 11 different countries and spent just over £5,000 in total. For everything! There are things you can do to stretch your travel budget and be able to explore the world on a budget.
Let me share 8 of these ways with you today…
Look into free accommodation options
Accommodation is often the biggest section of your travel budget and it doesn’t have to be! Look into free (or cheaper) accommodation options; like housesitting, work away, volunteering, couchsurfing, the list goes on and on. Travel isn’t restricted to a two week all-inclusive holiday in Spain, like I thought it was as a kid. There are so many experiences out there just waiting for the taking and the best part… often these comes with free (or cheap) accommodation!
Get cashback on every purchase
If you are not looking for cashback before completing an online purchase you are literally leaving money on the table. Put in the extra seconds to check if your favourite cashback provider have an offer before making the purchase.
Don’t waste money on spending fees
Make sure you know what fees you are being charged when you use your card abroad. There are multiple accounts out there that offer fee-free spending abroad so you shouldn’t be paying crazy fees. This is a very easy way to waste a decent percentage of your travel budget on something that can easily be avoided. Take a moment to check that the card you are using abroad doesn’t have crazy fees. If it turns out it does, get a new account with no fees – like Monzo.
Compare the transport options
Flying is often the go to transport option when talking about travel but it’s not always the cheapest option. Compare the transport options before committing to any of them to make sure you are getting the best deal. As a self-proclaimed frugal explorer, I’m partial to an overnight bus and checking bus routes has become a key part of my travel planning. I just love that for one price I am getting transportation and one night accommodation, even if it’s not the most comfortable option. If overnight buses are not for you, still take a moment to check and compare other transport options before committing to your initial find. For example, my parents were looking for flights to Italy and by comparing options they saved over £400 by taking the one-stop flight rather than the direct option. That saving covered the majority of their accommodation cost – money win.
Travel hack
I fell into the crazy world of travel hacking back in 2020 and haven’t looked back since. Essentially travel hacking is where you take advantage of credit card welcome offers and loyalty schemes to build up points which you can redeem against flights, hotels or even car rentals.
After churning 3 credit cards, I’d saved enough Avios (British Airways currency) to redeem a £50 flight to New York.
Carry Hand luggage only
Travelling with hand luggage only will save you so much in those extra fees, especially if you plan to take a lot of flights. This tip is a little less important if you’re primarily using train or buses as luggage is often included in the ticket price. But travelling light will just make your life easier.
Plan travel based on price
Have you ever been messing around online and searched for flights on Skyscanner based on the cheapest flight? Just me? This used to be my go to procrastination tactic when I got bored in lectures at uni, probably shouldn’t admit that! But this is genuinely such a good way to stretch your travel budget. Rather than deciding where to go based on somewhere that sounds cool, look at what’s the cheapest option and decide that way. This tip is also great for indecisive people like me who spend ages deliberating over travel options as I just want to see everything!
Travel locally
You don’t have to leave the country or even the area to go travelling. Have you been dreaming about a location close to you? Or want to explore what’s on your doorstop? Travelling locally is a great way to stretch your budget and still see the world. I’m always so amazed at the hidden gems on my doorstep.
There you go, 8 ways to stretch your travel budget further! Do you have any other tips you’d add to the list?